S.Y. 2021-2022 4th Quarter Summative Test Schedules
The 4th Quarter Summative Tests will be next week (Shawwāl 29-Dhul Qa’dah 4, 1443H (May 30-June 3, 2022)). See the attached schedules in this post.
- Summative Tests will be given online on our Learning Management System ( k-12.wisdomislamic.online/moodle ) and open only during the scheduled times.
- Parents/guardians must act as proctors for the students.
- Parents/guardians may assist in guiding the examinees in relation to the instructions of each question but must not give answers or hints.
- Any concerns must be forwarded to the teachers as soon as possible
Please settle your outstanding financial balances if any before the tests. The student will be prevented access to the Summative Tests if there is failure to settle balances on time.