KG-Grade 10 SUMMATIVE TESTS (S.Y. 2020-21)

KG-Grade 10 SUMMATIVE TESTS (S.Y. 2020-21)

بواسطة - Wisdom Admin
عدد الردود: 0



for the First Quarter of S.Y. 2020-2021 will be held on Rabī’ Al-Awwal 16-20, 1442H (November 2-6, 2020).

  • KG-Grade 10 students' weeks 1-4 modules will be returned to the parents this coming Monday (Rabī’ Al-Awwal 9 [Oct. 26]), so parents must come this Monday to pick them up in order for the students to review for the upcoming Summative Tests.
  • Summative Tests will be primarily given online on Moodle (our LMS) so all students must prepare for online quizzes on Moodle. Any issues with online access must be forwarded to the Class Advisers and Administrators as soon as possible.
  • During each Summative Test, the parents/guardians must act as proctors for their children and ensure that all rules & procedures are implemented.
  • Please settle your outstanding financial balances if any next week. The student will be prevented access to the Quiz if there is failure to settle balances on time.

More details on the Summative Tests to follow, in shā Allāh.

Bārakallāhu fīkum